Five simple steps to computer repair west Bloomfield




Fixing your computer can be confusing if you need to become more familiar with computers. However, it's easier than you may think. In this article, we'll teach you five simple steps to computer repair west Bloomfield:


Step 1 - Basic Troubleshooting:


The first step is to turn off your computer and disconnect all its cords. Next, check your computer for problems by running a virus scan and a Windows memory test. If either runs correctly, then continue reading.


Step 2 - Open the case:


The next step is to open the computer case and check for any physical damage. Check everything inside the computer. Open or remove all the blank cards and CDs; if there is any physical damage, replace the damaged parts with new ones.


Step 3 - Replace the parts:


If your computer fails to start after replacing the damaged parts, you need to replace your processor. Once you've replaced your processor, performance will increase, and you can move on to Step 4.


Step 4 - Determining hardware error codes:


Next, you must determine what hardware error codes your computer is displaying. To do this, check the Internet for software to scan your computer's hardware error code information.


Step 5 - Drop Off Your Item:


Finally, drop your computer off at a computer repair west Bloomfield. Most repair shops charge a diagnostic fee to determine what is wrong with your computer. After this, you can estimate how much it would cost to fix the computer.




After learning the five steps of this article, you'll be able to repair your computer quickly. The first step is the most important because it'll inform you of any errors your computer may contain.

